About this blog...

Technology consumes me. It's everywhere and getting exponentially more exciting every year. I categorize myself as a junky, always looking for my next big 'fix' that captures my attention... Here I'll be writing about cool things I discover, buy, or build, and your occasional rant for flavor. If you're like me, then you can always use one more place to find that attention grabbing fix...

Thursday, 10 March 2011

YouTube Trollin'

So I just watched some FAIL blog episode where some military dude was in some kind of display ceremony, and when he threw the gun in the air, the other dude didn't catch it, which I guess is supposed to be a bad thing… Now I have nothing against the Military.  I have family serving in Afghanistan right now in fact.  But I just don't get whats with the Army and thinking it's so impressive to walk so slowly and accurately? And what's with the twirling?  Was he in gymnastics as a kid? Seems silly to me...kinda makes them look like a slow-mo Michael Jackson. I'd be way more impressed if they were just firing guns off and blowing things up. Or is it maybe more like some kind of human peacock like strutting ritual; left over from our evolutionary process that subconsciously we're not aware of yet as a species as being ridiculous?  Anyway, I asked this question on the forum and boy did I get some interesting responses!  I will admit, I had a little fun at their expense during the whole ordeal, but that's time well spent on a comment board these days...

Here's the video:

COMMENTER: This is the Marine Corps you un-educated dipshit. If you're gonna criticize something at least know what you're criticizing.

ME: LOL I know exactly what it is, my question is why is walking slow & twirling your gun so impressive? Seems kinda girly.


COMMENTER: Marine Corps dude. They are Marines, not Army. And the accurate and precise marching is to show how disciplined and intense they are.

ME: Hmm nope, I'd still think blowing something up is way more intense than walking slowly. And my dog is disciplined, it's simply not that impressive.

COMMENTER: Yeah, sure. Unimpressive. Why don't you try going through the training they do? I bet you wouldn't last.

ME: Hey! There we go, I'd be impressed with seeing them do that! No question! That'd be way more impressive than walking slow. I mean I play sports, go to the gym now and then, pretty fit I suppose, but I tried this kick-boxing endurance class a few weeks ago, just about killed me! So maybe an obstacle course, some shooting of guns, and something blowing up...I'd be impressed with what my tax dollar has gone towards. Kinda feel riped off with the slow walking though.

COMMENTER: Dude, this is just one of the many things that the Corps organizes in order to give the soldiers some down time. If they were constantly training to fight and kill people and then going off to fight and kill people, they would all have break downs. In order to keep the Marines sane they need to give them some sort of entertainment. Believe it or not this "slow marching" is for the betterment of the troops who protect your country. Not everything is about explosives and shooting.

ME: Oh common, we were all in air or sea cadets as a teenager...nobody actually enjoys that shit lol Which one of those guys wakes up inthe morning and exclaims 'Oh Boy! Standing in one place for an hour and marching in a straight line is scheduled for right after breakfast! Hooray!' LOL You know they all would much rather be playing PS3 or XBox to unwind. Or get the troops a subscription to Showtime! Who doesn't enjoy Showtime?


COMMENTER: your dog is disciplined to not run off or piss on your carpet. everything must be precise, clean, and professional. it is not easy to stand at attention for an hour. try standing in one spot and not move a muscle, i bet you wont make it longer than 10 minutes

ME: Not true! My dog can easily sit still for 10 minutes, with a treat on his nose no less!  Let's see them do that! And my dog can get me a beer from the fridge! That's some serious discipline!


COMMENTER: shut the @#$% up

ME: Haha, your mad :( <----- That's a frowny face, in case that was lost on you.

COMMENTER: You really are an imature little shit arent you.

ME: Well, in your world at the moment I certainly am! How does it feel to be able to do nothing about it, other than to think of yourself as the bigger person and walk away? Feel good? Cause I gotta tell ya, mouthing you off feels waaaayyy better! haha


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